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CAMPS 2019

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1-9 June 2019 – Camp for orphanage from Karakol (40 person)

1-9 June 2019 -Invalids from Barskoon (25 person)

11-19 June 2019 – Poor children from Karakol (11 person)

11-19 June 2019 – Sportsmen from Pokrovka (20 person)

11-14 and 15-19 June 2019 – two camps of Social Care from Jeti-Oguz (each camp 22 people)

21-29 June 2019 – Catholic Camp from Jalal-Abad (30 person)

21-29 June 2019 – Invalids from fond MeerimBulak from Jalal-Abad (30 person)

1-5 July and 6-10 July – Social Care Camps from Pokrovka (each camp 65 people)

10-13 July 2019 – Camp for Catholic Young Families (11 people)

13-19 July 2019 – Camp for Catholic Children from Bishkek and villages (55 people)

20-25 July and 26-31 July – Camps for astronomers (each camp 55 participants)

21-29 July Invalids from Tashbulak near Jalal-Abad (25 participants)

1-9 August 2019 – Catholicteenegers from Kyrgyzstan (40 people) and from Uzbekistan (14 people)

1-9 August 2019 Invalids from Bishkek (Fond Nur Bulak) – 25 people

11-16 August 2019 Invalids from Barpy near Jalal-Abad (25 people)

16-19 August 2019 Camp for poor children run by Protestants (30 people)

11-19 August 2019 Fond of Invalids from Bishkek Czon-Umtulu (20 people)

21-27 August 2019 Fond Up-Lift from Bishkek (20 people)

27-31 August 2019 Retreat for protestant teenagers run by Protestant (30 people)

21-29 August 2019 Polish Society and Musical School from Bishkek (25 people)

21-29 August 2019 English Course for Catholic Teenagers 10 person run by volunteers

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